Think Oral Health

The Systemic Health
Jul, 04 2024

Driving Lasting Change in Dentistry: The Intrapreneurial Culture of Henry Schein with Stanley Bergman, Chairman and CEO of Henry Schein

Think Oral _ Stanley Bergman

Breakthroughs in healthcare technology over the past ten years are painting a promising picture for the future of medicine.

In this episode, Stanley Bergman, Chairman and CEO of Henry Schein, talks about his leadership experience, the evolution of healthcare technology, and the importance of tech adoption in dentistry. He emphasizes the company’s core principles of people, results, and entrepreneurship and discusses the importance of trust, diversity, and collaboration in healthcare. Stanley addresses bridging the gap between dentistry and medicine, promoting education, and reducing healthcare costs through prevention and wellness. He also stresses the necessity of ensuring everyone has access to a dentist to improve overall health and highlights the need for increased collaboration between dental and medical professionals to address oral-systemic health.

Tune in and learn about the evolving landscape of healthcare and dentistry, the role of technology, and the importance of collaborative efforts to improve health outcomes.
